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Gladiator 5k Rock'n Run Orange County in Anaheim

Back in 2010, Orange County native, Saddleback High School Alum, Dan Nitro Clark had a crazy idea.  Create an obstacle run and kick it off in the OC. The first event took place on a frigid December morning at a small park in what used to be Irvine Meadows.

Since then the Gladiator Rockn run has had over 100,000 participants scurry across the course to Gladiator Glory.  On Saturday, April 14th a new adventure awaits OC Gladiators.

Conquer Angel stadium.

You will rumble down the players tunnel onto the field and experience Angel stadium like you never have before.  Prepare yourself for 5 kilometers of collective scampering as obstacles will be placed in and around the stadium to test your mettle.  Youll do Burpees in the clubhouse, run on the warning track, up stairways and through the concourses for a fast-moving tour through the park.

With the iconic Big A as a back drop, Angel stadium is the perfect race for the whole family.

Grab your friends and sign up NOW.  Good times and epic badassery await!

Enter code: YELP10 for $10 off!